Friday, November 17, 2006


可能最值得說的就是網友 班大Benjamin 繼續 進入 2006華文部落格大獎【幽默趣味】類決選, 可喜可賀(+趁我Project剛忙完到一個小段落, 無聊)之時我畫了個小圖送上, 或許到時候真的贏了我會畫個大的

其次, ㄝ...
喔, 今天去了基督城一年一度的 A&P Show, 吃了一堆很棒的食物(bratwurst, whitebait, OH YEAH~~), 摸到一些超可愛但叫不出名子的動物, 最後有被大雨淋成落湯雞(老實說滿爽的), 比較可惜的是沒看到原本想看的 Ninja Lumberjacks 比賽, 我們到的時候剛比完(這"忍者砍樹工比賽" 是什麼呢, 我找到我朋友去年拍的錄影的話我會放上來, 超嚇人的)

其他咧, 還有啥有趣的東西的話, 就是我目前拼命在寫的這個程式了, 因為是一個相當特別的控制介面, 不過目前沒有公開的打算, 明年初再說吧...

"1. Never tell everything at once."
- Ken Venturi

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Hoo Woo~~

Congratulations to Benjamin for getting thru the first round of the "2nd Annual Global Mandarin Blog Award : Humor Category" (excuse my direct translation).

Yes that does mean that his blog is in Mandarin.

Yes that does also means if you can only read one language and you're wasting that on reading my blog, his jokes would be A LITTLE BIT hard to follow...

I'm quite surprised that alot of the nominees in that category do their blog by non-text means... Maybe I should pick up doing my comic diary again...

Anyway, good luck Ben.

"It matters not whether you win or lose; what matters is whether I win or lose."
- Darrin Weinberg

Friday, October 20, 2006

Wait... WTF is the name of that license again?

"do What The Fuck you want to Public License". [wikipedia link]

You know, I'd like to see someone violating this license and goes to court over this. I really want to see the sort of reaction people would have on their faces, but I guess due to the nature of this license that'll never happen... Oh well, can't have everything... Sigh...

I guess the point to it is that it would be the most liberal license around, it even started counting its clauses from 0 so that it's more programmer-friendly, but I don't know, I really can't see it taking off, for some reason....

What the FUCK is "WTF"!!??
- Anonymouse on IRC

Yes, exactly.
- The other Anonymouse on IRC

Saturday, October 14, 2006

All too often...

do you see blog posts saying "oh I'm not dead, just been waaaay too busy to post anything on my blog lately, but now I'm back!!". Man there are lots of those posts... Just to show collectively how busy the whole human race can be... or lazy...

The lame-est excuse that I saw for not updating their blog was, "well, because of LOVE~~". I suppose I didn't update because of WORLD PEACE... (If you ask "What world peace??", yes yes, you're absolutely right...)

I suppose the real reason is I don't really know what to talk about... My friend said that I should post my drawings and 3D stuff that I made, but I don't know, I don't think I'm good enough or have enough time to do regular updates on my non-work-related stuff...

But then should I post about my work-related stuff? Eh... We're being a bit hush-hush at the moment so I don't really want to.

I also wonder if I was to post in chinese I can be more witty and interesting? But then again I think more of my friends read English than otherwise here (my assumption), so I guess at the end it really depends on whether I care enough about my friends for them to understand what exactly I'm saying, or not. Well I guess the best thing for me to do now is to hire a million monkeys...
"We've heard that a million monkeys at a million keyboards could produce the Complete Works of Shakespeare; now, thanks to the Internet, we know this is not true."
- Robert Wilensky, University of California

Saturday, April 08, 2006

"Life's ok", He replied, to my usual opening question.

Hmmm... Haven't seen him for so long, and now he seem to want to increase my rating if I go ego-surfing, which I don't mind at all (not that if my blog have anything to offer anyway, haha). Welcome back online my friend.

Been reading his blog a little, and yet between all those long sentences reflecting how much of a geeky pin-up boy he really is, I was little bit disappointed to see that he doesn't seem to be as excited to his upcoming change of social status as his other friends back in NZ are.

"Yes mate, I told everyone I encountered in the past few days that knows you mate, and told them about the news. Mate."
Which is like, what, 3 people.

Guess he thought it's too personal a topic to say anything online, which I respect. But anyway, congratulations mate. You beat us to it, like I've always anticipated from the start.
Good on ya, mate.

Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something.
- Plato