Sunday, December 18, 2005

Bright And Gloomy Day...

...and I found myself turning back into some sort of a noob gamer, again...

Sounds of booming explosions fill my room, loud enough to wakeup whoever sleeping in the next room... And yeah, my mum does get cranky like that at 2am in the morning...

I'm not sure why I started playing games again; since my Otago days the sort of entertainment that I do on the computer is the simple Freecell, though it was more of an intense addiction than a simple entertainment I must confess; without playing at least 2 games per 3 hours, the random twitching begins... And no, this doesn't help the geeky image of some untidy long-haired asian dude with severe myopia in baggy cargo pants sitting alone in a lab full of 22" CRT monitors... Gee I miss the Graphics Lab at Otago.

Bunch of european dude at the lab went surfing again today (bastards), during the time where I had to mown the lawn and cut some trees, gee, I know what I'd rather do...

I guess I'm becoming a bit slack, but gee, got to find other things to do too...

The capacity of human beings to bore one another seems to be vastly greater than that of any other animal.
- HL Mencken

Thursday, December 08, 2005

25 Years Ago, Today...

Sad day for the world, mourning one of the greatest people of our time.

December 8th, 1980, John Lennon was shot and killed outside his apartment in New York City...
Same day, December 8th, 1980, on the other side of the world, I was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

Like everyone else, I cried.

"I'll probably be popped off by some loony."
- John Lennon, during an interview in the 60's

Friday, December 02, 2005

Woohoo.. Finally Some New Layout...

Was quite fed up with the layout of my blog a while ago, and finally squeezed some time out of my time to make some changes. So now, new layout, new title picture, new boarders, finally at least i feel are up to an acceptable standard, for the time that i have in my normal to do random stuff...

Now, only if i can get my normal life on track, things would be sweet...

Oh, the drawing is done with my new Genius Tablet that i got a few weeks ago... Yeah i know Genius Tablets are a bit budget, i wish i could afford a Wacom Intuous3 as well, but i wasn't born holding Microsoft shares in my hand (though some Google shares right about now would be nice), so this would have to do until the flood the cash hits my front door in the near future... Yeah, who isn't a dreamer?
All art is the same - an attempt to fill an empty space.
- Samuel Beckett

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

An Alien in Hagenberg

Geez... Took a while for Jung to make contact with us again.
Today he did and I started reading this blog about his trip... Kinda cool...
Dawn I wish I can take a trip to Europe... Even though everyone warned me about those crazy long flights...
The scientific theory I like best is that the rings of Saturn are composed entiredly of lost airline luggage.
- Mark Russell

Saturday, October 08, 2005


GEEZ... Soo much work...
It'll be a miracle if i can pull this software out of a hat in time...

but WOW... I JUST DID...
A magician pulls rabbits out of hats.
An experimental psychologist pulls habits out of rats.
- Anonymous

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Life Changing Experience

One of those life changing experiences just happened...

Still don't feel like much, but it's sinking in slowly...

The biggest prize this year... WE WON IT!!


I never expect to lose, even when I am the underdog. I still prepare a victory speech.
- H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

With The Bloody Deadline Looming Around The Corner...

Errgh... Work work work...
With a weird sense of overwhelming curiosity about why I'm actually somewhat enjoying this...

Someday someday... Hmmm...

But for now, oh well, life goes on...
Work work work...

The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working as soon as you get up in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office.
- Robert Frost

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This Ugly Interface...

Been thinking about this interface that i choose as my default template, even though it seemed the best at the time, i'm still thinking it to be pretty ugly...

must do something about it soon... grrr... where had all my time gone??

Meditate. Live purely. Be quiet. Do your work with mastery. Like the moon, come out from behind the clouds! Shine!

Friday, September 02, 2005

My heart goes out to all the people...

the people that are affected by the devastating Hurrican Katrina, and all the people affected by the stampede that happened in Iraq...

perhaps one day the world's politics will accept people as people and give them the prompt help that they deserve...

The time is always right to do what is right
-Martin Luther King Jr.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Songs About A Young Lion

Let me be me

Let me be my original self
     instead of this sad and mistaken clone of what's left broken

Let me play in my playground
     the fantastic ordinary playground right by the summer sun
     instead of this crazy plain dollhouse right after the spring chills

Let my functional arms and my dysfunctional brain work in unison
     and have the ability to create magic return to me

Let me be able to dream several universes in one time
     instead of able to type 45 words per minute in two languages

Let me run around all day like a total maniac
     instead of drive around all day like a total lunatic

Let me be careless, ignorant, arrogant, stupid and be happy about it
     instead of this piece of... orange puke of an excuse to be nice

Let me have the option to make all the wrong choices, and
     let love and optimism be, all that is me

Let me be the young lion people sing about
     (instead of the hollow old tree that no one remembers.)

- 5:25am 1/Aug/05

With The Highly Overrated Spring Coming, I Hereby Declare This The...

First blog of mine.

Second paragraph about myself today, in this first blog of mine.

Thrid Sentence in the second paragraph about myself today, in this first blog of mine.

Fourth time I've wondered today where my mug is... it's not on my desk...

Oh well, at least I can see counting is not a problem for me... let's see what else is wrong with me...

And where the heck is my mug...?!